'Jesus came to them and said:
"I have been given all
authority in heaven and on earth. Go to the people of all nations and make
them my disciples. Baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and
the Holy Spirit, and teach them to do everything I have told you. I will be
with you always, even to the end of the world"'
Matthew 28v18-20 CEV
It couldn't be said more clearly than that really, could it.
No need to change it, rewrite it, edit it. The direction was made clear.
'Go to the people of all nations'.
No need to board a plane,
swim the channel or raft oversees where you can't speak the language or know the after dinner etiquette! Well, I mean, please do if that's
what you're hearing as your calling. But for the most of us, we aren't going anywhere different than the places we already go; work, the gym, the pub, the coffee shop. -
Just because it's not foreign doesn't mean it doesn't need a whole lot of Jesus. In fact, the very reason it's where you go makes it the most
perfect place for you to share the Good News.And guess what? He has promised to
'be with you always'
So, be you.
Authentically you.
You've been made perfectly, with the ability to reach those around you and if
we all do a little bit of that there will be a whole lot of Jesus in a whole
lot more places!
'For Christ's love compels us, because
we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died.'2 Corinthians 5v14